- Users will have to place each waste fraction in its corresponding bin and take it to the door between 9pm and 10.30pm on the previous day according to the calendar.
The new ‘Door to door’ waste collection system has already been implemented in the town centre of El Poble Nou de Benitatxell. Next Monday, February 10th, the workers of the municipal public company Poble Net will start collecting waste from the front door of your home. This was announced by the Mayor, Miguel Ángel García, the councillor of Waste, Javi Cabrera, and the Waste technician, Ignasi Cervera, in a talk which took place yesterday afternoon at the Social Centre.
A large number of residents went to the informative session to find out about the details of this new system, which consists of leaving waste at the door of each home on certain days and at certain times for each waste fraction. The collection calendar includes the collection of paper and cardboard, organic waste and sanitary textiles (nappies, intimate hygiene products, etc.) on Tuesdays; other waste, glass and sanitary textiles on Wednesdays; plastics and packaging, organic waste and sanitary textiles on Thursdays, and plastics and packaging, organic waste and sanitary textiles on Sundays.
Waste must be placed at your door between 9pm and 10.30pm on the previous day, as it is the case with the collection of the bulky items. Users will have to deposit each fraction in its corresponding bin. To do so, the Council will provide, free of charge, a kit consisting of two plastic bins with a closing system, one exclusively for organic waste and the other to alternate the other fractions according to the calendar; organic bags and a calendar specifying which fraction should be removed each day during 2025 with instructions on the system and the food and products that go in each bin.
Information sessions and kit collection
Monday 27th in the afternoon was the first information session, but there will be another one next Friday January 31st, at 10am, at the Social Centre. The kits can be collected at Camí Abiar, 2, on Monday January 27th (from 10am to 1pm), Friday January 31st (from 10am to 1pm and from 5pm to 7pm), Sunday February 2nd (from 10am to 1pm), Monday February 3rd (from 10am to 1pm),and Friday 7 February (from 10.00 to 13.00h and from 17.00 to 19.00h); and at the street market of Les Pesqueres Square on Wednesday January 29th and February 5th from 10 am to 1pm.
Good results of the Door to Door system
The ‘Door to door’ waste collection system has obtained very good results in those areas of Benitatxell where it was first piloted. The urbanisations of Les Fonts, Los Molinos and Racó de Nadal went from a separation rate of 12% to 80% in just a few weeks. And this good dynamic is what is also being sought in the town centre and in several neighbouring areas. In the remaining areas of the municipality where the door-to-door system will not be implemented (some urbanisations and suburbs), closed areas will gradually be set up with closed containers that will only be accessible to users of those areas.
In general, the numbers of this system are usually between 60% and 80% of selective collection, which guarantees compliance with the objectives set by European regulations. Moreover, the cost of waste disposal will be lower, as less waste (residual waste) will be sent to the Consorci Mare de Residus dumping site; and the income from the management of recyclable materials will be higher. This will help to balance the rate. In addition, the image of the municipality will be improved, eliminating the problems associated with the containers.
In fact, the change of system in some areas has already resulted in a reduction in the cost of dumping waste at the Consorci Mare waste separation plant at El Campello. Last October 4th, the financial contributions to be made by 2025 by all the member municipalities of the Consorci Mare were approved. Of the 52 towns in the province of Alicante that are members, El Poble Nou de Benitatxell is the only one that has seen its contribution reduced compared to 2024. In addition, in 2024 the municipality increased its selective waste collection by 6 percentage points compared to 2023, from 20% to 26%.