Useful guide - Cala Moraig Reservations

The El Poble Nou de Benitatxell City Council wants to protect the Moraig cove and the entire natural environment of the Penya-segats de la Marina SCI, where the considerable increase in visitors has endangered the balance of the environment. To alleviate the lack of control and overcrowding of vehicles in recent years, the solution proposed by the council is a new vehicle control system that prevents overloading and degradation of the environment and, at the same time, promotes energy savings and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.

This new vehicle control system will be operational from April 1 to October 15 at the access to the Moraig Cove car park, Testos and the Acantilados route. Parking will now be paid for by visitors and beach users, but residents of El Poble Nou de Benitatxell will be exempt and will be able to access it for free. Of course, to guarantee a place, it is advisable to make a prior reservation.

Any vehicle that accesses the area for more than 20 minutes must have a reservation for the day in question. This implies that both resident and non-resident vehicles must obtain a reservation. Reservations can be made through:


App: Cala Moraig Reservations
Physical kiosk in the parking lot

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