Últimas noticias

El Poble Nou de Benitatxell cuenta con un pasado interesante y rico gracias a las distintas culturas que habitaron los diferentes poblados y masías y que dejaron huellas muy visibles en la toponimia, lengua en general y algunas construcciones y costumbres.


Noticias de Cultura

El Poble Nou de Benitatxell promotes Valencian as a tourist attraction
09 October 2024
The Cultural Week of the Elderly People of Benitatxell hosts a colloquium about Mossèn Josep Antoni Comes i Ballester, founder of the magazine SAÓ
08 October 2024
The demand for studying languages, music and dance at Benitatxell’s municipal schools continues growing, with 174 more users in three academic years
04 October 2024
Colla La Llebetjà will offer a great concert on October 9th to celebrate its 15th anniversary
30 September 2024
Clásicas y Modernas closes the cycle of meetings ‘Lo recordaba la más vieja del pueblo’ at Benitatxell.
20 September 2024
‘Ho recordava la més vella del poble (’It was remembered by the eldest woman in town’), the initiative of Clásicas y Modernas at Benitatxell to retrieve the oral memory of women
23 August 2024
19 August 2024
Party music fills the streets with the exchange of bands from Benitatxell, Campanario and Xeresa
08 July 2024
Valencian popular culture, the protagonist of the VII edition of the Falqui Folk
08 July 2024
First steps to retrieve the memory of the work of plastics at Benitatxell
05 July 2024